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Six months of tender, loving care to guide you into confident connection.

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Gem is in a turquoise dress and glove set which matches their hair. English speaking coaching, couple's counseling, mediation, life coaching Berlin. Pleasure activism, virtual sessions, in-person care, healing, trauma, grief, gender transition, queer, wellness, doula, childbirth education, therapy, counseling, support, advocacy, ritual work, mentorship, support, care, processing, self development, coach, life coaching, business coaching, sexual health coaching, intimacy relationship coach, Zoom, best most highly rated, five star reviews
loving body

Are you a v1rg1n? 

(If no, check out my standard pleasure offering.)

Have you had intimate experiences, but not positive ones?

Are you looking for much more than just one night of pleasure and safety? Maybe you have a goal of finding along term partner. Or initiating safe and satisfying connections IRL with cute folks you meet out in the world. 


But you have a lot of questions...How can I be sure my lover is having a good time?

How do I ensure everything is consensual?

How can I kiss well?


Is there anyone out there who could instruct me?

Hey, I'm Gem. I'm right here : ) I'm a doula with ten years experience and I will hold your intimate space in such a beautiful way, your life will be changed by it.

You will walk into this experience nervous, unsure, scared and excited.

And you will leave it grateful, warm from the inside out, and with tons more information than you had before on

- your needs

- your boundaries

- your pleasure

- your kinks

- partnering

- communication

- cuddling

- kissing

- & other things that would be censored if I wrote them here ;P

I designed this offering specifically for first-timers and folks with more trauma in their backgrounds (around gender, intimacy, relationship, body, orientation, etc.)

Because I am a v1rg1n slayer ⚔️

And one night isn't nearly enough for me. Is it for you?

Wouldn't...six months of regular dates be just...perfect? Beyond perfect--abundant, amazing, gorgeous, transcendent and sensual??

And how could you ever say no to something as beautiful as this? 

Don't say no. Say yes. <3 Let me make space for you that no one's ever made before. Let me hold you in it. Hold you accountable in it and help you grow in it. Teach and guide you in it. Get to know you in it. And turn you out the other side with new confidence.


Depth matters! How would this feel?


Two hour dates once/ month for six months: 666€ per month

Three hour dates once/ month for six months: 866€ per month

Overnight dates once/ month for six months: 2,222€ per month

Or inquire about a custom booking.

Send me an email at

Don't be shy; I welcome open communication with clients.

Deposit and screening is required for new clients. 

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